Bible Based Audios

Free Audio Downloads of Bible Based Addresses.

These audios discuss Bible subjects with the aim of teaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

INDEX of Sections.

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Recent Addresses.

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2: 5 - 12

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Explore Bible Teaching about Satan

Explore Bible Teaching about Satan Click to play Audio. Reading: Job 1.

Jesus Christ Will Reign From Jerusalem

Jesus Christ Will Reign From Jerusalem Click to play Audio. Reading: Luke 21: 20 - 31.

Bible Truth: God is One Not Three

Bible Truth: God is One Not Three Click to play Audio. Reading: John 17: 1-6, 16-26.

The Bible is Divinely inspired

The Bible is Divinely inspired Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Timothy 3.

The Bible offers hope in a world of despair

The Bible offers hope in a world of despair Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 72.

Jesus Christ Will Return to Reign Over the Earth

Jesus Christ Will Return to Reign Over the Earth Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 72.

The Gospel: Taught in the Old Testament

The Gospel: Taught in the Old Testament Click to play Audio. Reading: Galatians 3

Why is The Bible Such an Important Book?

Why is The Bible Such an Important Book? Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 40: 6 - 8.

Jesus Christ: Fact or Fable? And why the answer matters!

Jesus Christ: Fact or Fable? And why the answer matters! Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 1 - 20.

The Miracle of the State of Israel

The Miracle of the State of Israel Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 43: 1 - 12.

How the Bible Challenges our Modern Culture

How the Bible Challenges our Modern Culture Click to play Audio. Reading: Ephesians 5.

Eternal Life to be on Earth

Eternal Life to be on Earth Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 12: 1 - 8.

What will Russia do Next? The Bible's Answer!

What will Russia do Next? The Bible's Answer! Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 38: 1 - 15.

The Holy Spirit Gifts are Not Available Today!

The Holy Spirit Gifts are Not Available Today! Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 27 - 13: 13.

The Bible Reveals the Meaning of Life

The Bible Reveals the Meaning of Life Click to play Audio. Reading: Ecclesiastes 12.

Bible Truth: The Dead know Nothing!

Bible Truth: The Dead know Nothing! Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 146.

How Christ's coming will change the World

How Christ's coming will change the World Click to play Audio. Reading: Micah 4: 1-5.

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Why Does God Allow Suffering? Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 3v1-5 Psalm 146.

What do the Christadelphians Believe?

What do the Christadelphians Believe? Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 3.

Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Die?

Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Die? Click to play Audio. Reading: John 19: 1 - 20.

What is the Problem with Humanism?

What is the Problem with Humanism? Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 1: 17 - 31.

One God: Why So Many Religions?

One God: Why So Many Religions? Click to play Audio. Reading: Ephesians 4: 1 - 7.

What You Need to do to be Saved

What You Need to do to be Saved Click to play Audio. Reading: Romans 6.

The Trinity: Not Taught by The Bible

The Trinity: Not Taught by The Bible Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Timothy 2: 1 - 6.

Bible Prophecy Being Fulfilled Today

Bible Prophecy Being Fulfilled Today Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5: 1 - 9.

The Return of Christ: Man's Only Hope

The Return of Christ: Man's Only Hope Click to play Audio. Reading: Daniel 2: 28 - 45.

The Resurrection of Jesus: An Historical Fact

The Resurrection of Jesus: An Historical Fact Click to play Audio. Reading: Matthew 28: 1 - 8.

What is the devil of the Bible?

What is the devil of the Bible? Click to play Audio. Reading: Hebrews 2.

Belief Then Baptism: The Key to Salvation

Belief Then Baptism: The Key to Salvation Click to play Audio. Reading: Acts 9: 1-22.

Almighty God.

The Lord our God is one Lord: - Mark 12: 29
... our Lord Jesus Christ: Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.
1 Timothy 6: 14 - 16.

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Back to Doctrine.

There is One God ...

Back to Almighty God as the Father.
Back to Almighty God.

Who is the God of the Bible?

Who is the God of the Bible? Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 103.

One God and the Trinity ...

Back to Almighty God as the Father.
Back to Almighty God.

Bible Truth: God is One Not Three

Bible Truth: God is One Not Three Click to play Audio. Reading: John 17: 1-6, 16-26.

The Trinity: Not Taught by The Bible

The Trinity: Not Taught by The Bible Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Timothy 2: 1 - 6.

The Existence of God ...

Back to Almighty God as the Father.
Back to Almighty God.

Compelling Evidence that God Exists.

Compelling Evidence that God Exists. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 43: 1 - 12.

Nature Demonstrates That There Must Be A God.

Nature Demonstrates That There Must Be A God. Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 104.

God Manifestation ...

Back to Almighty God as the Father.
Back to Almighty God.

The Wise Master Builder: God created with a purpose.

The Wise Master Builder: God created with a purpose. Click to play Audio. Reading: Revelation 21: 1- 8.

What is the Purpose of Life? Let the Bible Explain.

What is the Purpose of Life? Let the Bible Explain. Click to play Audio. Reading: John 3: 1 - 17.

Jesus Christ ...

Jesus Christ.

This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
Matthew 3: 17

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Back to Doctrine.

Jesus Christ ...

Back to Jesus Christ .

Jesus Christ: Fact or Fable? And why the answer matters!

Jesus Christ: Fact or Fable? And why the answer matters! Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 1 - 20.

The Birth of Christ ...

Back to Jesus Christ .
Back to Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ, Born King of the Jews, When?

Jesus Christ, Born King of the Jews, When? Click to play Audio. Reading: Matthew 2: 1 - 12.

The Real Significance Of Christ's Birth

The Real Significance Of Christ's Birth. Click to play Audio. Reading: Matthew 2: 1 - 11.

The Death of Christ ...

Back to Jesus Christ .
Back to Jesus Christ.

Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Die?

Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Die? Click to play Audio. Reading: John 19: 1 - 20.

Jesus Christ - The Son of God ...

Back to Jesus Christ .
Back to Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ: The Son of God Not God Himself!

Jesus Christ: The Son of God Not God Himself! Click to play Audio. Reading: Luke 1: 26 - 38.

Jesus Christ is NOT God.

Jesus Christ is NOT God. Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Timothy 2: 1 - 6.

Jesus Christ is NOT God.

Jesus Christ is NOT God. Click to play Audio. Reading: Exodus 3: 12 - 18.

Jesus Christ - The Saviour ...

Back to Jesus Christ .
Back to Jesus Christ.

What You Need to do to be Saved

What You Need to do to be Saved Click to play Audio. Reading: Romans 6.

God Offers Salvation Only Through Jesus Christ.

God Offers Salvation Only Through Jesus Christ. Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Peter 1.

Jesus Christ - The King ...

Back to Jesus Christ .
Back to Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ Will Return to Reign Over the Earth

Jesus Christ Will Return to Reign Over the Earth Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 72.

Jesus Christ is coming to reign over the earth.

Jesus Christ is coming to reign over the earth. Click to play Audio. Reading: Acts 8: 5- 14.

Jesus Christ - The Lord's Prayer ...

Back to Jesus Christ .
Back to Jesus Christ.

The Meaning of the Lord's Prayer.

The Meaning of the Lord's Prayer. Click to play Audio. Reading: Matthew 6: 1 - 15.

The Lord's Prayer: Hear its Meaning Explained.

The Lord's Prayer: Hear its Meaning Explained. Click to play Audio. Reading: Matthew 6: 1 - 13.

The Holy Spirit.

... the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, it shall testify of me (Jesus Christ):
John 15:26

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Back to Doctrine.

The Holy Spirit - God's Power for Salvation ...

Back to The Holy Spirit .
Back to Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit Gifts - Not Available Today ...

Back to The Holy Spirit .
Back to Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit Gifts are Not Available Today!

The Holy Spirit Gifts are Not Available Today! Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 27 - 13: 13.

Why Holy Spirit Gifts are NOT available Today!

Why Holy Spirit Gifts are NOT available Today! Click to play Audio. Reading: Acts 2: 1 - 24.


And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.
Genesis 1: 31

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Back to Doctrine.

Belief in Creation ...

Back to Creation .
Back to The Holy Spirit.

God the Creator: provides hope.

God the Creator: provides hope. Click to play Audio. Reading: Acts 17: 22 - 34.

Why We Believe in Creation.

Why We Believe in Creation. Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 1.

The Purpose in Creation ...

Back to Creation .
Back to The Holy Spirit.

God Created The Earth With A Purpose.

God Created The Earth With A Purpose. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 65: 19-end.

Creation Not Chance...

Back to Creation .
Back to The Holy Spirit.

The Wonder of Creation. Proof of Divine design.

The Wonder of Creation. Proof of Divine design. Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 1.

Earth's Creation: Divine Work, Not Mere Chance.

Earth's Creation: Divine Work, Not Mere Chance. Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 8.

Creation vs Evolution ...

Back to Creation .
Back to The Holy Spirit.

An Intelligent Designer is the Origin of Life.

An Intelligent Designer is the Origin of Life. Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 1.

Divine Creation NOT Evolution best explains the origin of life.

Divine Creation NOT Evolution best explains the origin of life. Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 139.

The Gospel.

And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.
Galatians 3;8

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Back to Prophecy.

The Gospel: Taught in the Old Testament

The Gospel: Taught in the Old Testament Click to play Audio. Reading: Galatians 3


Three Great Promises ...

Back to The Gospel.

The Promise in Eden ...

Back to The Gospel.

The Bible's Great Promises: Eternal Life.

The Bible's Great Promises: Eternal Life. Click to play Audio. Reading: Titus 1: 1 - 4.

What is the Promise God Made in Eden and How Will it Affect You?

What is the Promise God Made in Eden and How Will it Affect You? Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 3: 9 - 19.

Great Bible Promises: A Redeemer.

Great Bible Promises: A Redeemer. Click to play Audio. Reading: Hebrews 9: 1 - 15.

The Promise to Abraham ...

Back to The Gospel.

The Bible's Great Promises: Land!

The Bible's Great Promises: Land! Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 12: 1 - 7.

God's promise to Abraham: the basis of the Gospel.

God's promise to Abraham: the basis of the Gospel. Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 12:1-4, 13: 14-17.

The Promise to King David ...

Back to The Gospel.

The Bible's Great Promises: A King.

The Bible's Great Promises: A King. Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Samuel 7: 1 - 17

What is the Promise God Made to David and How Will it Affect You?

What is the Promise God Made to David and How Will it Affect You? Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Samuel 7: 1 - 20.

GREAT BIBLE PROMISES - A King to Rule for Eternity.

GREAT BIBLE PROMISES - A King to Rule for Eternity. Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Samuel 7: 4 - 17.

The Hope of the Gospel ...

Back to The Gospel.

The Gospel: A message of life and hope from God.

The Gospel: A message of life and hope from God. Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Timothy 3.

Why the Gospel is relevant today.

Why the Gospel is relevant today. Click to play Audio. Reading: Hebrew 11: 17 - 40.

The Key to the Gospel ...

Back to The Gospel.

God's Promises to Mankind: How They Will Affect You.

God's Promises to Mankind: How They Will Affect You. Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 37.

The Christadelphians: The Gospel as The Good News ...

What do the Christadelphians Believe?

What do the Christadelphians Believe? Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 3.

Almighty God's Purpose with the Earth.

But truly I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD.
Numbers 14: 21

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Back to Prophecy.

God's Plan and Purpose with the Earth.

Back to God's Purpose.

God's 7000 Year Plan with the Earth.

God's 7000 Year Plan with the Earth. Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 1:1 to 2:3.

God's 7000 Year Plan and How It Affects You

God's 7000 Year Plan and How It Affects You Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 1.

God's Purpose With The Earth.

Back to God's Purpose.

God Created The Earth With A Purpose.

God Created The Earth With A Purpose. Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 1

God Has an Eternal Purpose With the Earth.

God Has an Eternal Purpose With the Earth. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 65: 17 - 25.

God's Purpose in Life.

Back to God's Purpose.

What Is God's True Purpose With Mankind?

What Is God's True Purpose With Mankind? Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 72.

Success in Life.

Back to God's Purpose.

The Bible Reveals the Meaning of Life

The Bible Reveals the Meaning of Life Click to play Audio. Reading: Ecclesiastes 12.


Back to God's Purpose.

The Reason God Created Families.

The Reason God Created Families. Click to play Audio. Reading: Ephesians 5: 21 - 6: 4.

The Principles of Marriage Explained by the Bible.

The Principles of Marriage Explained by the Bible. Click to play Audio. Reading: Ephesians 5: 21 - 6: 4

The Angels.

Back to God's Purpose.

The Angels, Their Nature And Work Explained.

The Angels, Their Nature And Work Explained. Click to play Audio. Reading: Luke 24: 13-31.

The Importance of Angels in the Purpose of God.

The Importance of Angels in the Purpose of God. Click to play Audio. Reading: Hebrews 1.

The World Environment.

Back to God's Purpose.

How God Will Renew The Environment

How God Will Renew The Environment Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 72

God's Solution to The Problems Facing Our Environment!

God's Solution to The Problems Facing Our Environment! Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 72.

World Politics.

Back to God's Purpose.

Why the First Christians Stood Aside from Politics.

Why the First Christians Stood Aside from Politics. Click to play Audio. Reading: Romans 12.

The World Economy.

Back to God's Purpose.

Global Recession and Hardship: God has the Answer.

Global Recession and Hardship: God has the Answer. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 24.

World Turmoil.

Back to God's Purpose.

A World In Turmoil: God Has the Only Solution.

A World In Turmoil: God Has the Only Solution. Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 72.

A world in turmoil: God has the solution.

A world in turmoil: God has the solution. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 11.

The Bible.

But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
1 Peter 1: 25

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The Bible - Inspired.

Back to The Bible.

The Bible is Divinely inspired

The Bible is Divinely inspired Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Timothy 3.

Why is The Bible Such an Important Book?

Why is The Bible Such an Important Book? Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 40: 6 - 8.

The Bible and Salvation.

Back to The Bible.

What You Need to do to be Saved.

What You Need to do to be Saved. Click to play Audio. Reading: Romans 6.

The Importance of Believing the Whole Bible.

The Importance of Believing the Whole Bible. Click to play Audio. Reading: Matthews 5: 1 - 20.

The Bible Offers Hope Beyond Death.

The Bible Offers Hope Beyond Death. Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 1 - 23

The Bible as a Personal Friend.

Back to The Bible.

How the Bible Challenges our Modern Culture

How the Bible Challenges our Modern Culture Click to play Audio. Reading: Ephesians 5.

The Bible Reveals How You Can Save Your Family.

The Bible Reveals How You Can Save Your Family. Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 11: 27 - 12: 7.

How The Bible Can Help Your Teenager.

How The Bible Can Help Your Teenager. Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 1: 17-31.

The Bible - It's Books.

Back to The Bible.

The Old Testament is the Foundation of the New Testament.

The Old Testament is the Foundation of the New Testament. Click to play Audio. Reading: Hebrews 1.

The Old Testament: Foundation of the New Testament.

The Old Testament: Foundation of the New Testament. Click to play Audio. Reading: Galatians 3.

The Book of Genesis - Foundation of all Truth.

The Book of Genesis - Foundation of all Truth. Click to play Audio. Reading: John 5: 39 - 47.

The Exodus - A Vital Lesson for Today.

The Exodus - A Vital Lesson for Today. Click to play Audio. Reading: Matthew 17: 1 - 13.

The Law of Moses and It's Value Today.

The Law of Moses and It's Value Today. Click to play Audio. Reading: Hebrews 10: 1 - 14.

The Book of Revelation - 2000 Years of Gentile History.

The Book of Revelation - 2000 Years of Gentile History. Click to play Audio. Reading: Revelation 16.

The Bible - Religion.

Back to The Bible.

Religion as Defined by the Bible.

Religion as Defined by the Bible. Click to play Audio. Reading: Romans 6.

Religion as Defined by the Bible.

Religion as Defined by the Bible. Click to play Audio. Reading: James 2: 14 - 26.

The Bible vs Atheism.

Back to The Bible.

The Bible Challenges the Atheist.

The Bible Challenges the Atheist. Click to play Audio. Reading: Acts 17: 15 - 34.

The Bible Challenges the Atheist.

The Bible Challenges The Atheist. Click to play Audio. Reading: Job 42.

The Bible and Catastrophes.

Back to The Bible.

The Bible and Hope.

Back to The Bible.

The Bible offers hope in a world of despair

The Bible offers hope in a world of despair Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 72.

The Bible and Hope Beyond Death.

The Bible: A Relevant Message for All.

The Bible: A Relevant Message for All. Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Timothy 3.

The Return of Jesus Christ.

Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
Acts 1:11

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Back to Prophecy.

The Return of Christ: Man's Only Hope

The Return of Christ: Man's Only Hope Click to play Audio. Reading: Daniel 2: 28 - 45.

World Events Show Christ will Return to the Earth.

World Events Show Christ will Return to the Earth. Click to play Audio. Reading: Joel 3.

The Near Return of Jesus Christ.

Back to The Return of Christ.

Evidence From the Bible of Christ's Near Return.

Evidence From the Bible of Christ's Near Return. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 24.

The Sure Return of Jesus Christ.

Back to The Return of Christ.

How to Prepare for the Return of Christ.

How to Prepare for the Return of Christ. Click to play Audio. Reading: Luke 19: 11 - 27.

Christ will return to establish God's kingdom

Christ will return to establish God's kingdom Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 2: 1-5.

Changes at Christ's Return

Back to The Return of Christ.

How Christ's coming will change the World

How Christ's coming will change the World Click to play Audio. Reading: Micah 4: 1-5.

The Return of Christ: Man's Only Hope.

The Return of Christ: Man's Only Hope. Click to play Audio. Reading: Zechariah 14.

The Reign of Christ on Earth.

Back to The Return of Christ.

Jesus Christ Will Return to Reign Over the Earth.

Jesus Christ Will Return to Reign Over the Earth. Click to play Audio. Reading: Acts 1: 1 - 11.

Christ will Return to Establish God's Kingdom.

Christ will Return to Establish God's Kingdom. Click to play Audio. Reading: Zechariah 14: 1-9.

The Kingdom of Christ

Jesus Christ is coming to reign over the earth

Jesus Christ is coming to reign over the earth Click to play Audio. Reading: Acts 1: 6 - 12.

This Is Gospel: Christ Will Return to Establish God's Kingdom.

This Is Gospel: Christ Will Return to Establish God's Kingdom. Click to play Audio. Zechariah 14: 1-9.

The Kingdom of God.

And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
Daniel 2: 44

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Back to The Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God.

Back to The Kingdom of God.

God's kingdom will be established on earth

God's kingdom will be established on earth Click to play Audio. Reading: Revelation 16.

THE KINGDOM OF GOD - Christ Is To Reign As King.

THE KINGDOM OF GOD - Christ Is To Reign As King. Click to play Audio. Reading: John 18: 28 - 40.

The Hope of the Kingdom of God.

Back to The Kingdom of God.

How to Qualify for a Place in God's Kingdom.

How to Qualify for a Place in God's Kingdom. Click to play Audio. Reading: Galatians 5: 16 - 26.

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

Back to The Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God - On Earth.

Back to The Kingdom of God.

God's kingdom will be established on earth.

God's kingdom will be established on earth. Click to play Audio. Reading: Matthew 5: 1 - 12.

God's Kingdom Will be Established on Earth.

God's Kingdom Will be Established on Earth. Click to play Audio. Reading: Daniel 2: 28 - 45.

The Kingdom of Heaven.

Back to The Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of Heaven to be Established on Earth.

The Kingdom of Heaven to be Established on Earth. Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 37: 1 - 9.

The Temple of God.

Back to The Kingdom of God.

A Future Temple in Jerusalem - A House of Prayer for All Nations.

A Future Temple in Jerusalem - A House of Prayer for All Nations. Click to play Audio. Reading: Zechariah 6: 9 - 15.

The Government of the Kingdom of God.

Back to The Kingdom of God.

World Governments To Be Replaced by Jesus Christ.

World Governments To Be Replaced by Jesus Christ. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 2.

The World's Political Systems Will Be Replaced by a Theocracy.

The World's Political Systems Will Be Replaced by a Theocracy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 11: 1 - 9

World Agriculture Soon To Undergo Radical Reform.

World Agriculture Soon To Undergo Radical Reform. Click to play Audio. Reading: MIcah 4: 1 -8.


He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be condemned.
Mark 16: 16

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Infant Baptism.

Back to Baptism.

Adult Baptism: Essential to Salvation.

Adult Baptism: Essential to Salvation. Click to play Audio. Reading: Mark 16: 9 - 20.

Baptism is Essential to Your Salvation.

Back to Baptism.

Belief Then Baptism: The Key to Salvation

Belief Then Baptism: The Key to Salvation Click to play Audio. Reading: Acts 9: 1-22.

Belief and Baptism is Required for Salvation.

Belief and Baptism is Required for Salvation. Click to play Audio. Reading: Romans 6.

Knowledge and Belief Essential to Your Salvation.

Back to Baptism.

Baptism in Water Essential to Your Salvation.

Back to Baptism.

Belief and Baptism Are Essential for Salvation.

Belief and Are Baptism Essential for Salvation. Click to play Audio. Reading: Romans 6.

Covenant in Baptism.

Back to Baptism.

Why Does the Bible Place so Much Importance on Baptism?

Why Does the Bible Place so Much Importance on Baptism? Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 10: 1 - 12.

Baptism into Christ Essential to Your Salvation.

Back to Baptism.

Why You Need to be Baptised by Complete Immersion in Water.

Why You Need to be Baptised by Complete Immersion in Water. Click to play Audio. Reading: Matthew 3.


Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
1 Peter 2: 24

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Back to Atonement.

Sin and Transgression.

Back to Atonement.

Sin - Its Origin, its Effects, its Overthrow.

Sin - Its Origin, its Effects, its Overthrow. Click to play Audio. Reading: Romans 6.

Sin: Its Origin, Its Effect, Its Overthrow.

Sin: Its Origin, Its Effect, Its Overthrow. Click to play Audio. Reading: Romans 6.

Christ's Death and The Atonement

Back to Atonement.

Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Die?

Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Die? Click to play Audio. Reading: Luke 8: 1 - 15.

Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Die?

Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Die? Click to play Audio. Reading: Romans 6.

The Sacrifice of Christ and The Atonement

Back to Atonement.

How You Can Identify With Christ's Sacrifice.

How You Can Identify With Christ's Sacrifice. Click to play Audio. Reading: John 3: 1 - 18.

The Resurrection of Christ and The Atonement

Back to Atonement.

The Resurrection of Jesus: An Historical Fact

The Resurrection of Jesus: An Historical Fact Click to play Audio. Reading: Matthew 28: 1 - 8.

Why We Believe Jesus Rose From the Dead.

Why We Believe Jesus Rose From the Dead. Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 1 - 23.


But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.
1 Corinthians 15: 13, 14

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Resurrection: Man's True Hope.

Back to Resurrection.

Bodily Resurrection: Man's Only Hope Beyond the Grave.

Bodily Resurrection: Man's Only Hope Beyond the Grave. Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 49.

Resurrection of the Body.

Back to Resurrection.

Bodily resurrection - Your Only Hope After Death.

Bodily resurrection - Your Only Hope After Death. Click to play Audio. Reading: Job 19.

Resurrection Coming Soon.

Back to Resurrection.

Resurrection of the Dead WILL Happen Soon.

Resurrection of the Dead WILL Happen Soon. Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 15.

Resurrection and Judgment.

Back to Resurrection.

Resurrection and Judgement Must Precede Salvation.

Resurrection and Judgement Must Precede Salvation. Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Timothy 4: 1 - 8.


Back to Resurrection.

Reincarnation or Bodily Resurrection! What is Man's Hope Beyond the Grave.

Reincarnation or Bodily Resurrection! What is Man's Hope Beyond the Grave. Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 1 - 26


Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people ...
Ezekiel 37: 12, 13

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Back to Israel.
Back to Prophecy.

What is Israel's True Hope?

Back to Israel.

God's Plan for Israel.

God's Plan for Israel. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 60.

What Is The Hope Of Israel?

What Is The Hope Of Israel? Click to play Audio. Reading: Acts 13: 26 - 37.

Israel and God's People.

Back to Israel.

Israel: God’s Chosen People - How Does that Affect Us?

Israel: God’s Chosen People - How Does that Affect Us? Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 12: 1 - 8.

Why Israel Are God's Chosen People.

Why Israel Are God's Chosen People. Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 36: 16-28

Israel and God's Witnesses.

Back to Israel.

Israel: The Bible's Answer to all its Critics.

Israel: The Bible's Answer to all its Critics. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 43

Israel's existence: God's witness!

Israel's existence: God's witness! Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 43.

The Witness of Israel - Living Proof of a Living God.

The Witness of Israel - Living Proof of a Living God. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 43: 1 - 15.

Israel a modern miracle.

Back to Israel.

The Miracle of the State of Israel

The Miracle of The State of Israel Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 43: 1 - 12.

Israel as Bible Proof.

Back to Israel.

Israel's Existence Proves the Bible True.

Israel's Existence Proves the Bible True. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 43: 1 - 12.

Israel's Survival - Proof of the Truth of the Bible.

Israel's Survival - Proof of the Truth of the Bible. Click to play Audio. Reading: Deuteronomy 28.

Israel - Whose Land?

Back to Israel.

The Land of Israel - Whose Land is it?

The Land of Israel - Whose Land is it? Click to play Audio. Reading: Hebrews 11: 1 - 14.

Conflict In Israel - Whose Land Is It?

Conflict In Israel - Whose Land Is It? Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 13.


Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.
Psalm 48:2

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Jerusalem - Past History.

Back to Jerusalem.

Jesus Christ will reign from Jerusalem.

Jesus Christ will reign from Jerusalem. Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 65: 17 - 25.

Jerusalem: Whose City is it?

Jerusalem: Whose City is it? Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 48.

Jerusalem - Present Conflict.

Back to Jerusalem.

Jerusalem: Whose City Is It?

Jerusalem: Whose City Is It? Click to play Audio. Reading: Joel 3.

Jerusalem - Future City of Peace..

Back to Jerusalem.

Jerusalem: Soon To Be a City of Peace.

Jerusalem: Soon To Be a City of Peace. Click to play Audio. Reading: Zechariah 8.

Jerusalem - Future World Capital.

Back to Jerusalem.

      Jerusalem - Future World Capital.

Jesus Christ to reign from Jerusalem.

Jesus Christ to reign from Jerusalem. Click to play Audio. Reading: Luke 1: 26 - 35.

Jesus Christ Will Reign From Jerusalem

Jesus Christ Will Reign From Jerusalem Click to play Audio. Reading: Luke 21: 20 - 31.

Jerusalem and Rome.

Back to Jerusalem.


A Tale of Two Cities - Jerusalem and Rome.

A Tale of Two Cities - Jerusalem and Rome. Click to play Audio. Reading: Revelation 17.


And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there. But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there.
Isaiah 13: 19 - 21.

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The Bible and the Evidence of Archaeology.

The Bible and the Evidence of Archaeology. Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Chronicles 32: 1-23.

Archaeology Proves the Bible to be True.

Archaeology Proves the Bible to be True. Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Chronicles 32: 27 - 33.

Dead Sea Scrolls - A Witness to the Truth of the Bible.

Dead Sea Scrolls - A Witness to the Truth of the Bible. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 43: 1 - 12.


We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
2Peter 1:19

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Bible Prophecy Being Fulfilled Today

Bible Prophecy Being Fulfilled Today Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5: 1 - 9.

Prophecies of Christ's return.

Prophecies of Christ's return. Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Timothy 3: 1-7.


Back to Prophecy.

Armageddon: Why? When? and Where?

Armageddon: Why? When? and Where? Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 38.

Israel, Russia, Christ's Coming & Armageddon.

Israel, Russia, Christ's Coming & Armageddon. Click to play Audio. Reading: Joel 3.

Armageddon: Russia, Britain, Christ the King

Armageddon: Russia, Britain, Christ the King Click to play Audio. Three Speakers


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Israel in Bible Prophecy.

Israel in Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Leviticus 26.

Britain and Brexit.

Back to Prophecy.

Britain in Bible Prophecy.

Britain in Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 38: 1 - 16.

Brexit: Britain's Future Role-Foretold in Bible Prophecy. (2020)

Brexit: Britain's Future Role-Foretold in Bible Prophecy. (2020) Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 18.

Britain's Role in Armageddon and Beyond - Foretold by the Bible. (2017)

Britain's Role in Armageddon and Beyond - Foretold by the Bible. (2017) Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 38: 1 - 13.

BREXIT: Britain's Future Role Foretold in Bible Prophecy. (2016)

BREXIT: Britain's Future Role Foretold in Bible Prophecy. (2016) Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 38: 1 - 18.


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Egypt in Bible Prophecy.

Egypt in Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 29: 1-16

Egypt - Its Future Foretold In The Bible.

Egypt - Its Future Foretold In The Bible. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 19.


Back to Prophecy.

Europe in Bible Prophecy.

Europe in Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 38.

Europe in Bible prophecy.

Europe in Bible prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Revelation 11: 1 - 11


Back to Prophecy.

WW1 and Gallipoli - A Centenary of Fulfilled Bible Prophecy.

WW1 and Gallipoli - A Centenary of Fulfilled Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Jeremiah 16: 10 - 16.

WW1 And Gallipoli: A Centenary Of Fulfilled Bible Prophecy.

WW1 And Gallipoli: A Centenary Of Fulfilled Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Peter 1.


Back to Prophecy.

Iran in Bible Prophecy

Iran in Bible Prophecy Click to play Audio. Reading: Daniel 2: 14 - 45

Iran in Bible Prophecy

Iran in Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Daniel 11: 40 - 12: 3.

Iran in Bible Prophecy.

Iran in Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Daniel 2: 31 - 45.


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Jordan in Bible Prophecy.

Jordan in Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 39: 1-16.

Middle East.

Back to Prophecy.

Russia Will Invade Israel & Egypt

Russia Will Invade Israel & Egypt Click to play Audio. Reading: Daniel 11: 40 - 45

The Middle East in Bible Prophecy.

The Middle East in Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Daniel 11: 36 - 45.

Russia Will Invade Israel and Egypt.

Russia Will Invade Israel and Egypt. Click to play Audio. Reading: Daniel 11: 40 - 45.

Alexander the Great: As Recorded in the Bible.

Alexander the Great: As Recorded in the Bible. Click to play Audio.


Back to Prophecy.

Handel's Messiah - Prophecy in Song

Copyright Note.
Handel's Messiah - Prophecy in Song. Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Peter 1.
Copyright: Handel's Messiah - Prophecy in Song. Copyright. Libretto.


Back to Prophecy.

What will Russia do Next? The Bible's Answer!

What will Russia do Next? The Bible's Answer! Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 38: 1 - 15.

Russia in Bible Prophecy.

Russia in Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 38: 1 - 39: 5.

Russia’s Destiny Clearly Foretold in Bible Prophecy

Russia’s Destiny Clearly Foretold in Bible Prophecy Click to play Audio. Reading: Daniel 11: 40 - 45.

Russia's Ambitions Have Been Foretold by the Bible.

Russia's Ambitions Have Been Foretold by the Bible. Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 38.


Back to Prophecy.

Syria In Bible Prophecy.

Syria In Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Daniel 11: 36 - 12: 3.

Syria in Bible Prophecy.

Syria in Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Daniel 11:36 - 12:3.


Back to Prophecy.

Ezekiel's Prophecy of Tyre: A Challenge to Bible Sceptics.

Ezekiel's Prophecy of Tyre: A Challenge to Bible Sceptics. Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 26.


Back to Prophecy.

God Will Bring World Peace: Not man.

God Will Bring World Peace: Not man. Click to play Audio. Reading: Acts 2: 1 - 11.

Peace treaties will not bring lasting peace to Israel.

Peace treaties will not bring lasting peace to Israel. Click to play Audio. Reading: Ezekiel 38.

The Arabs.

Back to Prophecy.

The Jews and Arabs Will Unite: Let the Bible Explain.

The Jews and Arabs Will Unite: Let the Bible Explain. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 59: 20 - 60: 14.

The Arabs in Bible Prophecy.

The Arabs in Bible Prophecy. Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 60.

When Will the Jew and Arab Conflict End?

When Will the Jew and Arab Conflict End? Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 12: 1 - 5.

World War.

Back to Prophecy.

World War Must Come Before World Peace. Why?

World War Must Come Before World Peace. Why? Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 11.

World Events Show Christ will Return to the Earth

World Events Show Christ will Return to the Earth Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 72.

Earthquakes and Catastrophes.

Back to Prophecy.

The Significance of Earthquakes in the Past and in the Future.

The Significance of Earthquakes in the Past and in the Future. Click to play Audio. Reading: Zechariah 14: 1 - 11.

Earthquakes: The Greatest is Yet to Come!

Earthquakes: The Greatest is Yet to Come! Click to play Audio. Reading: Zechariah 14.

World Events Show Jesus Christ's Return is Near.

World Events Show Jesus Christ's Return is Near. Click to play Audio. Reading: Revelation 16.


"And they were astonished at his doctrine: for he taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes."
Mark 1:22

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Eternal Life.

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Eternal Life to be on Earth

Eternal Life to be on Earth Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 12: 1 - 8.

God Has Promised Eternal Life on earth

God Has Promised Eternal Life on earth Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 13: 14 - 18.


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Explore Bible Teaching About Death.

Explore Bible Teaching About Death. Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 49.

If a Man Dies Can He Live Again?

If a Man Dies Can He Live Again? Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 1 - 23.


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Bible Truth: The Dead know Nothing!

Bible Truth: The Dead know Nothing! Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 146.

Explore Bible Teaching on the Soul.

Explore Bible Teaching on the Soul. Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 2.

Born Again...

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The Bible Tells Us We Can Be Born Again.

The Bible Tells Us We Can Be Born Again. Click to play Audio. Reading: John 3: 1-10.


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Explore Bible Teaching about Heaven and Hell.

Explore Bible Teaching about Heaven and Hell. Click to play Audio. Reading: Acts 3.

Hell is the Grave & not a place of torment

Hell is the Grave & not a place of torment Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 16.

Hell is the Grave: Not a Place of Torment.

Hell is the Grave: Not a Place of Torment. Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 49.

Hell is the Grave.

Hell is the Grave. Click to play Audio. Reading: Matthew 18: 1-11.


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DEMONS: A Relic of Ancient Pagan Belief.

DEMONS: A Relic of Ancient Pagan Belief. Click to play Audio. Reading: Luke 8: 26 - 39.

The Devil.

Back to Doctrine.

What is the devil of the Bible?

What is the devil of the Bible? Click to play Audio. Reading: Hebrews 2.

Human Nature: the devil of the Bible.

Human Nature: the devil of the Bible. Click to play Audio. Reading: Romans 7: 14 - 25.

Devil and Satan.

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Explore Bible Teaching about Satan

Explore Bible Teaching about Satan Click to play Audio. Reading: Job 1.

What is The Devil of the Bible?

What is The Devil of the Bible? Click to play Audio. Reading: Romans 7: 18 - 8: 3.


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Heaven is not the Reward of the Righteous.

Heaven is not the Reward of the Righteous. Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 15v1-23.

The Bible Does Not Teach That Your Future is in Heaven.

The Bible Does Not Teach That Your Future is in Heaven. Click to play Audio. Reading: Psalm 72.


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Why We Should Pray To God and NOT To Jesus.

Why We Should Pray To God and NOT To Jesus. Click to play Audio. Reading: Luke 11: 1-10.

Pre-Existence of Christ.

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Jesus: No Physical Existence Before His Birth of Mary.

Jesus: No Physical Existence Before His Birth of Mary. Click to play Audio. Reading: John 1: 1 - 18.

Are Saints Really Alive Today?

Are Saints Really Alive Today? Click to play Audio. Reading: Romans 15: 23-33.


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Mary is Not the Mother of God.

Mary is Not the Mother of God. Click to play Audio. Reading: Luke 1: 26 - 38.

Mary is NOT the Mother of God.

Mary is NOT the Mother of God. Click to play Audio. Reading: Luke 1: 26 - 56.


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The Antichrist Identified by the Bible.

The Antichrist Identified by the Bible. Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 John 2.

The Bible Reveals the Identity of Anti-Christ.

The Bible Reveals the Identity of Anti-Christ. Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 John 2: 15 - 29.

The Bible Teaches That Many Will Mistake Christ For Antichrist.

The Bible Teaches That Many Will Mistake Christ For Antichrist. Click to play Audio. Reading: 2 Thessalonians 2: 1 - 12.

The Rapture.

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The Rapture: A misunderstanding of Bible prophecy

The Rapture: A misunderstanding of Bible prophecy Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4: 13 - 18

The Rapture - A Fable That Will Never Occur.

The Rapture - A Fable That Will Never Occur. Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4: 13 - 18.

What is the Problem with Humanism?

What is the Problem with Humanism? Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Corinthians 1: 17 - 31.


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Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Why Does God Allow Suffering? Click to play Audio. Reading: Genesis 3v1-5 Psalm 146.

Why Does God Allow War and Suffering?

Why Does God Allow War and Suffering? Click to play Audio. Reading: Galatians 5: 16 - 26.

The Church and Christendom.

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
2Corinthians 6: 17

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Ecumenism is NOT of God.

Ecumenism is NOT of God. Click to play Audio. Reading: 1 Kings 18: 17 - 40.

Does it Matter What we Believe?

One God: Why So Many Religions?

One God: Why So Many Religions? Click to play Audio. Reading: Ephesians 4: 1 - 7.

One Bible - Why So Many Churches?

One Bible - Why So Many Churches? Click to play Audio. Reading: Isaiah 44: 9 - 20.

Is Being a Good Christian Enough?

Is Being a Good Christian Enough? Click to play Audio. Reading: Acts 10: 24 - 48.

Helpful Hints.

A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:
Proverbs 1: 5

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Recent Addresses.
Almighty God.

      There is One God.
      One God and the Trinity.
      The Existence of God.
      God Manifestation.

Jesus Christ.

      Jesus Christ.
      The Birth of Jesus Christ.
      The Death of Jesus Christ.
      The Son of God.
      Jesus Christ the Saviour.
      Jesus Christ the King.
      The Lord's Prayer.

The Holy Spirit.

      The Holy Spirit - God's Power to Salvation.
      The Holy Spirit Gifts - Not Available Today.


      Belief in Creation.
      The Purpose in Creation
      Creation Not Chance
      Creation Not Evolution.

The Gospel ...

      Three Great Promises.

      The Promise In Eden.
      The Promise To Abraham.
      The Promise To King David.

      The Hope of the Gospel.
      The Key to the Gospel.

Almighty God's Purpose with the Earth.

      God's Plan and Purpose with the Earth.
      God's Purpose with the Earth.
      God's Purpose in Life.
      Success in Life.
      God's Purpose in Marriage.
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The Bible.

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      The Bible - It's Books.
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      The Bible vs Atheism.
      The Bible and Catastrophes.
      The Bible and Hope.

The Return of Christ to the Earth.

      The Near Return of Jesus Christ.
      The Sure Return of Jesus Christ.
      Changes at Christ's Return.
      The Reign of Christ on Earth.

The Kingdom of God.

      The Kingdom of God.
      The Hope of the Kingdom of God.
      The Kingdom of Heaven.
      The Temple of God.
      The Government of the Kingdom of God.


      Infant Baptism.
      Baptism is Essential to Your Salvation.
      Knowledge and Belief Essential to Your Salvation.
      Baptism in Water Essential.
      Covenant in Baptism.
      Baptism into Christ.


      Sin and Transgression.
      Christ's Death and The Atonement.
      The Sacrifice of Christ and The Atonement.
      The Resurrection of Christ and The Atonement.


      Resurrection Man's True Hope.
      Resurrection of the Body.
      Resurrection - Coming Soon.
      Resurrection and Judgment.


      What is Israel's True Hope?
      Israel and God's People.
      Israel and God's Witnesses.
      Israel - a Modern Miracle.
      Israel as Bible Proof.
      Israel - Whose Land?
      Israel in Prophecy.


      Jerusalem - Past History.
      Jerusalem - Present Conflict.
      Jerusalem - Future Peace.
      Jerusalem - Future World Capital.
      Jerusalem and Rome.


Prophecy ...

      Israel in Prophecy.
      Israel and Return of the Jews.
      Middle East.
      Return of Christ.
      The Arabs.
      Three Great Promises.
      World War.
      Earthquakes and Catastrophes.


Major Doctrines ...
      Almighty God.
      Almighty God's Purpose with the Earth.
      Eternal Life.
      Holy Spirit.
      Jesus Christ.
      Kingdom of God.
      Return of Christ.
      Three Great Promises.
Other Doctrines ...
      Eternal Life.
      The Devil.
      Devil and Satan.
      Pre-Existence of Christ.
      Born Again.
      The Rapture.

The Church and Christendom.
Helpful Hints.

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