Bible Based Reading

Serious books full of valuable reading.

These important and valuable books are in .pdf format and are available to download free of charge for use on electronic reading devices.
Nazareth Revisited is an excellent book on the ministry of The Lord Jesus Christ, is easy reading and very informative.

Elpis Israel is an exposition of the Gospel message written in 1848 but by no means out of date, and
of immense value to those serious about understanding the Bible.

These are both free to download.

We would especially recommend that you download and read the book Elpis Israel (The Hope of Israel, which is the hope of the Bible).

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Elpis Israel by John Thomas.

Elpis Israel by John Thomas

Elpis Israel.

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Elpis Israel is provided with the kind permission of the publishers Logos Publications.

From the Author's preface...

The nature of the work is indicated on the title page ("being an exposition of the Kingdom of God, with reference to the time of the end, and of the age to come"). It is a work showing what the Bible teaches as a whole, and not the elaboration of a new or fantastical theological theory, or as the vamping of an old one. It demonstrates the great subject of the scriptures, namely: "The Kingdom of God and of His Anointed", without which they would be as a nut whose kernel perished....

Nazareth Revisited by Robert Roberts.

Nazareth Revisited by Robert Roberts

Nazareth Revisited.

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Arguably the finest exposition of the life of Jesus Christ outside of the Gospels themselves.
Nazareth Revisited: Preface:

It is no new thing to try to exhibit Christ's wonderful life in biographical form. Varied in times past and recent have been the efforts in this direction. That the author should add to the number of such efforts may seem superfluous or presumptuous. Superfluous, if previous efforts have been successful; presumptuous, if it argue an opinion that they have been failures. Perhaps it is neither one nor the other. Other efforts may have been successful in a measure that still leaves the way open to something more complete.
But, the author, with a sense of pain at the seeming arrogance, is impelled to go further and to say that, in order to give a truthful conception of the personage whose memory is enshrined in the four gospels, something totally different is needed from any Life of Christ that has yet appeared. That this book is that something in an exhaustive form, he dares not, with a full sense of human insufficiencies profess. But he thinks it is at least a step towards it. It has in some respects a new picture to exhibit; a new story to tell; new and not new; new as to current models, not new as to the original which it seeks to reproduce.

A Declaration of the Truth revealed in the Bible.

A Declaration of the Truth Revealed in the Bible, as Distinguishable from the Theology of Christendom.

A Declaration

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Setting forth a series of propositions, arranged for the purpose of exhibiting the Faith Promulgated by the Apostles in the first Century
and contrasting with The Faith of Christendom, which is confounded by fables.

The Lord Jesus Christ in John 8: 31, 32 states, “… If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Even a cursory examination of modern Christendom reveals a confusion of belief. Is this meant to be so?
Is this what Almighty God desires? How can so many contradictory arguments on doctrine all be proclaimed in the name of Christ and all be right?
Rather than church confusion, Almighty God through His Son and the Apostles most assuredly has placed the harmony and clear understanding of God’s Holy Word as the foundation for belief.
His doctrine is set before us as the "good wine" (John 2: 10) as distinct from the wine of forniication, (Revelation 14:8; 17:2, 4, 18: 3 etc).
In John 12: 46 – 50, “I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.
He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.
For I have not spoken of myself;
but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.
And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.

This publication sets out the clear alternative offered in God’s Holy Word using scripture with scripture to set forth Almighty God's truth.

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