Bible Based Booklets

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As individuals seeking the way of salvation it is essential that we understand what Almighty God has said through His Word (the Holy Bible).  
Our free booklets are based on Bible teaching and aim to increase understanding of God's word.

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The Daily Bible Reading Chart:

The daily and systematic reading of the Word of God avails us of the opportunity to discover the full message of Almighty God's revelation of Himself and His purpose as set forth in the Bible. This plan gives the reader the opportunity to read the Old Testament once each year and the New Testament twice. It is a valuable tool used by Bible Students world wide whereby all read the same passages each day.

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The Man Who Was Promised the Earth

The Man Who Was Promised the Earth

In Genesis 12: 2 - 3, Almighty God told Abraham, "... I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."   The Apostle Paul refers to this, saying in Galatians 3: 8 that, "the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed."   Paul understood also that Christ had come, "to confirm the promises."   In these things, little understood in today's world of humanistic reasoning, are set forth the future of those who seek the gospel message taught by Jesus Christ and the Apostles. Download now ...


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The Living Message of Prophecy Today

The Living Message of Prophecy Today.

Any thinking person looking at the bewildering mixture of political intrique, racial hatred, industrial chaos, and social upheaval that is normal in today's world must wonder, "Where will it all end?"   Surely it is becoming increasingly plain that the answer is not in the confusing array of well meaning but impractical advice, or the impossible political or military solutions, or in the plans and projects of a society that thinks it can, but in fact cannot solve its present dilemmas.
Deep concerns trouble many people.   They do not know what to make of the events that face us through the media each day.   Increasing international, national and personal problems create stress in life that many find unbearable.   Even the voice of the optimist is becoming less heard.   Involvement of the super powers, rather than solving the world's problems almost inevitably, make them worse.   Where can we look for peace, security, equity, happiness and lasting achievement.   There is an answer ...


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World Destiny Revealed in a Dream

World Destiny Revealed in a Dream.

Many Bible Prophecies have been depicted by dreams. Nebuchadnezzar's dream was such a vision from Almighty God. He saw an image in that dream which has a message for us today. The prophecy contained in Daniel 2 is most intriguing because it reflects on 2500 years of history declaring all those years ago what our world would be like today; and its destiny.
We may wonder why the world about us is in such a mess. Some people might feel that Almighty God has no control or that God no longer exists? The detail of this prophecy indicates this is very much not so.
It has the clear intention to show us that Almighty God is very much in control, guiding the destiny of all nations on this earth; and preparing to establish a better world. We are being invited to be a part of that better world - if we heed the message of prophecy.
Daniel 2 in not a prophecy to be discarded as irrelevant, rather it is of dramatic importance to every person on the planet. This dream image of Nebuchadnezzar interpreted by Daniel needs our individual attention.   Download and read on ...


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World Destiny Revealed by Daniel the Prophet

World Destiny Revealed by Daniel the Prophet.

World destiny as revealed in the Bible by Daniel the Prophet 2500 years ago in Babylon. An amazing event that detailed the destiny of the nations, culminating with the Kingdom of God under the righteous rule of Jesus Christ.   Daniel chapter 2 records a remarkable vision seen by th King of Babylon, in which the history of the world relative to the middle east is condensed into a few verses. The parts of the image represented the Kingdom of Men in various phases from Babylon, to the Medes and Persians, Greece, Rome (east and west as two legs) and finally feet part of clay and part of iron, representing Europe today.   The stone dedpicted as smashing this image is Jesus Christ. Download now ...


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World Peace: Today's Need, Tomorow's Reality

World Peace:
Today's Need, Tomorow's Reality.

The Psalmist stated (Psalm 37: 11), "The meek shall inherit the earth: and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace".   The Lord Jesus endorsed these words in Matthew 5: 5.   The result of the return of Jesus Christ to the earth will be a time of peace and equity that will benefit the whole earth and all nations.   Indeed the Lord's prayer states, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven".   Psalm 72 is just one passage of scripture that speaks of the reign of Christ and the benefits that will accrue to all men.   ...


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The Coming New World Order:

The Coming New World Order:
The Present Political and Religious Systems to be Superceded by a Universal Divine Political Government on Earth.

Isaiah in chapter 45: 18 says, "...   God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: ...".   But today we see a world full of violence, immorality, corruption and folly.   Again, Isaiah says, "for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness." He alludes to "the times of refreshing" when Almighty God will send Jesus Christ, to restore all things (Acts 3: 19).


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The Secret of the Book of Revelation Explained:

The Secret of the Book of Revelation Explained:

An Outline of World Events Revealeded by Jesus Christ.

The Book of Revelation or, "The Apocalypse", concludes the divine writings known as "The Holy Bible". It has a special message from the Lord Jesus Christ for those who desire to believe his teachings and follow his way of life.   Yet, the book is considered by many a mystery, too difficult to understand.   But Almighty God is not a God of confusion and desires that we do understand His purpose with earth and mankind upon it, and therefore this book was presented to us by the Lord Jesus Christ, saying in Cahpter 1: 3, "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand." ...


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The Amazing Witness of Fulfilling Bible Prophecy

The Amazing Witness of Fulfilling Bible Prophecy.

The object of this booklet is to help the reader see the true value of prophecy in the Bible. Many times, the Bible deals with the rising up or downfall of nations, some to be removed forever, some to be still in existence when the Kingdom of God is finally established by Jesus Christ at his return.   Powers of the past such as Tyre, Egypt, Babylon, Israel are significant examples that witness to the accuracy of the Bible...


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Israel's Revival: Sure Sign of Christ's Coming

Israel's Revival:
Sure Sign of Christ's Coming.

From the time the Jews began to return to their ancient homeland at the invitation of Britain following the Balfour Declaration of 1917 to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, then to the occupation of the city of Jerusalem by the Israelis in June 1967 and ever since, the Middle East has been in a state of constant international tension and ferment.

Few people realise these events are a clear fulfilment of Bible prophecy that have and continue to enliven the hopes of Bible students.   These events herald the personal, visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ.


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Jerusalem and the Holy Land

Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

For centuries, the city of Jerusalem, the City of David and the Holy Land itself have been treasured in the hearts of Christians, and sacred to the beliefs of Jews and Moslems.   To Jews it is the land where Abraham soujourned, the city where David reigned and the capital of the modern nation of Israel. To Christians it is the land where the Lord ministered and the city where he was crucified.   To the Moslems it is a sacred city of worship with two significant mosques at its heart.   Both the land and the city are pivotal to world history. What does the Bible teach concerning this land and this city?


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Storm Clouds Over Jerusalem To Be Dispersed By Christ (New)

Storm Clouds Over Jerusalem To Be Dispersed By Christ - new version.

World History is studded with great cities that have played decisive roles in the growth and eventual decline of the greatest nations and empires.   But no city on earth has had a greater destiny than that laid out for Jerusalem. It is central to Almighty God's plan for the future of mankind and the earth. Modern history invariably bears upon The Middle East and Israel,   while the Jews and Arabs have become synonymous with controversy and war.   These events are a herald of the destiny of Jerusalem. Current crises are fulfilling Bible Prophecy in developing, “a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time …”, as revealed by Daniel 12: 1. Almighty God has revealed by His Prophets, that the “City of Peace”, has a future that will fulfil its name. “ … and at that time thy people shall be delivered.”


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Storm Clouds Over Jerusalem To Be Dispersed By Christ

Storm Clouds Over Jerusalem To Be Dispersed By Christ

The Middle East Crisis and Jerusalem is of increasing importance in international affairs.   Bible prophecies clearly indicate this is to be so until Jesus Christ returns.   These events are a herald of his return.   Armageddon is looming and the nations are preparing for that event in accordance with Bible prophecy.   Almighty God has said, "I will gather all nations to Jerusalem to battle", (Zechariah 14: 1) because it has become a burdensome stone to all nations (Zechariah 12: 3).   Yet God has chosen Zion and has desired it for His habitation - Psalm 132


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Is War With Russia Inevitable?

Is War With Russia Inevitable?

Where is the solution to the current mad race for power on the part of the nations?

Never before, in a time of peace, have such preparations for war been made. The result is that mankind faces a terrible future prospect as nations capable of annihilating each other throw threats at each other. Governments are in chaos and show no way of escape from the melee, no possibility of enduring peace and there is no star of hope which man can follow.

The Bible clearly declares that Almighty God has a better future in store for this earth, but in His good time and on His terms which will include the return of the Lord Jesus Christ as the world's future King with a better way:

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Europe United And Russia Victorious

Europe United And Russia Victorious.
The Beast of the Revelation Rides Again.

The tearing down of the Berlin Wall in October, 1989, paved the way for the unification of Germany and a new era of co-operation between Europe and Russia that was unthinkable before 1989.  

These are significant developments for the sincere Bible Student....  


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Israel, Russia, Christ's Coming and Armageddon

Israel, Russia, Christ's Coming and Armageddon.

This booklet was written in 1985 when the world was politically very different.   The Word of God however remains consistent.   Russia has waned in power and is now rising again.   "Side by side with the uprise of Israel, the world has witnessed a further great sign of Christ's second coming in the emergence of Russia as a world power ..."


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Britain In Bible Prophecy

Britain In Bible Prophecy.

The former universal conquests of the maritime power of Great Britain have put her in a position of global influence, yet the recent weakening of her power and influence has made this to some extent feeble.   This is the state in which Ezekiel in chapter 38 describes Britain when a northern European host headed by Russia (v1-8) confronts her in a regathered Israel (v8,9).   In this chapter, Britain is depicted as Tarshish and is accompanied by Sheba, Dedan and her young lion nations (V13).   Learn more about these events ...


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Gallipoli, World War and Bible Prophecy

Gallipoli, World War and Bible Prophecy:
Events in Turkey and the Time of the End.

For many centuries, Turkey as the Ottoman Empire was a great power in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa. But, it became the sick man of Europe and her power declined.   1914 introduced a new era in world affairs. Never before had civilisation been embroiled in a universal war of such magnitude. Austria and Germany were enticed to invade Serbia. Turkey switched allegiances to support Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Britain, allied with France, Russia, Japan and Italy, recognised the dangerous challenge to liberty and declared war. Britain then looked to Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa to support her.   Britain with these ANZACs, attacked Turkey at Gallipoli, seeking to cut off the head of the Ottoman power, but was forced out with great loss and moved south to Egypt to protect the Suez Canal. While historians concentrate on the war in Europe when speaking of WW1, Almighty God was using Europe as a diversion that His plan and purpose to remove the Ottoman Empire from Palestine could be accomplished.   Biblically, the holy land needed to be controlled by a power sympathetic to the much desired homeland for the Jews. The re-establishment of the Jewish homeland in Palestine would be a for-runner to the return of the KING of the JEWS and the kingdom of God to be centered in Jerusalem (yet future but impending). Fascinating history and Bible prophecy hand in hand ...


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Turkey and Russia and the Time of the End

Turkey and Russia and the Time of the End.

The "time of he end", is a phrase used by God in relation to warning signs given to humanity (refer Daniel 11:40). It soes not imply the destruction of mankind, or the burning up of the earth, but the end of what the Lord described as "the times of the gentiles" (Luke 21: 24), when the present constitution of things will be overthrown to make way for the Kingdom of God.

Both Russia and Turkey are significant powers in this time period...


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The Arabs In Bible Prophecy

The Arabs In Bible Prophecy.

Since the formation of the State of Israel, the trauma of the Arab world has been prominently before the public eye.   Side by side with this has been the energy crisis.

Unknown to most people however this is playing out an important part in the plan of Almighty God, developing a world crisis that will culminate with the return of Jesus Christ, the Battle of Armageddon, and the ultimate establishment of the Kingdom of God.   This will in turn bring a time of blessing for all mankind including Jews and Arabs at peace.


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Who Is Jesus Christ? Not a Pre-Existent Being But the Saviour of Mankind.

Who Is Jesus Christ?
Not a Pre-Existent Being But the Saviour of Mankind.

John 17: 3 states, "...this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.".   but who was Jesus Christ? Many contend that he was God! But the Bible cannot endorse this idea.   Jesus had no existence prior to his birth in Bethlehem, some 2000 years ago He was born of the virgin Mary as declared in Luke 1: 30 - 35 and in accordance with the promises made to the Fathers.   He was the Son of God and the Son of Mary, thus deriving a nature common to his mother and all mankind and from his Father the spiritual strength to overcome sin...


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The Empty Tomb:

The Empty Tomb:
The Certainty and Significance of Christ's Resurrection.

The name of Jesus Christ is stubbornly ingrained in the fabric of our daily life. Recent efforts to change the year dating system, to remove it from reference to Christ (that it has had for centuries) is like the bribes paid to the guards on the tomb in which he was laid, just another evidence to his existence and his resurrection.   Every Church and every "Christian" state is a testimony to him.   Even some non Christian religions believe in him.   What does the Bible really say regarding this man.   The Apostle Paul stated (1 Corinthians 15: 13, 14), "But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain."


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Christ The King:

Christ The King:
His Mission, Mercy and Majesty.

Jesus Christ was born as The Lamb of God (John 1: 29, 36) to take away the sin of the world, but he is to return as "The Lion of the Tribe of Judah", to fulfil his role as king of all nations (John 18: 37, Daniel 2: 44).   Such a world monarch is the aspiration of many, but Almighty God has promised His Son will rule with truth and equity (Psalm 72).   (Isaiah 11: 3-5) shows that unlike other kings, he shall be "...   of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and ...   righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins."


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The Real Facts Concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The Real Facts Concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
and the Policies of His Divine Worldwide Kingdom.

The world is so often a place of despair as leaders disappoint and men choose evil rather than good.   But this will not always be so.   The plan of Almighty God is that His Son will return as King to reign in righteousness. Somw will say this is mere fanatasy but a full and correct understanding of the Bible clearly attests that this is to be.   In Acts 1: 11 as he departed to the right hand of the Father from the Mount of Olives, the angel declared, "This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go."


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The Lord's Prayer as Precept and Prophecy

Thy Kingdom Come.
The Lord's Prayer as Precept and Prophecy.

In Luke 11: 1, the disciples asked the Lord, "Teach us how to pray".   The resultant prayer was not intended as something to be learnt by rote and recited as it is commonly, but as a model for the disciples then and now, for prayer.   It is therefore full of significance and is based upon the revealed purpose of Almighty God.   It hallows His name, speaks of His coming Kingdom when His will shall be done on earth and calls on us to examine our ways and put our trust in Almighty God.


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The Key to Understanding the Bible

The Key to Understanding the Bible.

Key promises made by Almighty God and revealed in the scriptures are the basis of the Gospel message.   Most people only associate the Gospel with the salvation, that is in Christ, but scripture shows it is the good news concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In accord with this, we are told that the Gospel was, "first preached to Abraham", Galatians 3: 8.


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Baptism Is Essential To Salvation

Baptism Is Essential To Salvation.

It was the resurrected Jesus Christ, that said to his disciples, in Mark 16: 15, 16, "...   Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.   He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." He himself suffered to be baptised.   Matthew 3: 13 - 15 states, "Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.   But John forbad him, ...   And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.   Then he suffered him."


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Christ's Death And Your Salvation

Christ's Death And Your Salvation.

John 3: 16, is possibly the most quoted passage in scripture.   It states, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

How can the death of Christ bring salvation to us?


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Why Should a Righteous Man Die? How to be Born Again.

Why Should a Righteous Man Die?
How to be Born Again.

Over two thousand years ago at a place called Golgotha, outside Jerusalem, a drama was enacted that has continued to hold mankind entranced and puzzled.   A man called Jesus was crucified, John 18: 1 - 19.  
Since that time, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ has continued affect mankind. It is important that we properly undestand how his death and subsequent resurrection are the means by which we can have redemption.   Salvation is only in his name.   (Acts 4: 12).  


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Introducing The Christadelphians: Modern Revival of Apostolic Faith.

Introducing The Christadelphians:
Modern Revival of Apostolic Faith.

The Christadelphians are a group of ordinary folk, without any special religious training, except a fervour for the scriptures of Truth, The Word of God, which they hold to be the only source of personal satisfaction and ultimate salvation.   Thus they choose to read and study the Bible, and find therein much pleasure and spiritual profit.   They have a humble desire to share their joy in understanding God's Word and the Gospel it contains, with all who have ears to hear.


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What Is Saving Truth?

What Is Saving Truth?
An Introduction to the True Exposition of All Bible Teaching.

John Thomas was a medical doctor who was led by unusual circumstances to consider the Bible with a view to understanding his personal salvation.   He discovered that most teachings of the Church did not agree with the clear statements of the scriptures.

The book Elpis Israel was the result of his search for Bible truth.  


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Eternal Life On Earth, Not In Heaven

Eternal Life On Earth, Not In Heaven.

Popular Theology claims that man possesses an immortal soul that at the moment of death passes from the body to heaven or some place of judgment.   The Bible does not support this reasoning and by contrast, states such things as, "The soul that sinneth it shall die." (Ezekiel 18: 4), and "None can keep alive his own soul." (Psalm 22: 29)
What is the origin of the theory of immortal souls? What does the Bible teach about mortality and immortality?


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Christ's Followers: Raptured into Heaven, or Gathered Together on Earth?

The Future For Christ's Followers:
Raptured into Heaven, or Gathered Together on Earth?

The theme of the Return of Jesus Christ to the earth, is clearly revealed in the Bible.   It shows that dramatic circumstances will surround this important incident in human history.   Jesus Christ is coming to recover the world from the morass of wickedness and evil into which it has so sadly sunk.   Some people however look for a rapture where they will be suddenly jolted out of their environment and whisked into heaven, there to remain with the Lord Jesus amongst the clouds above.   This booklet examines this subject.


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The Two Advents of Jesus Christ and the Period Between

The Two Advents of Jesus Christ and the Period Between.

There is clear evidence that Jesus Christ is a real person whose message and teachings 2000 years ago turned the world upside down.   Yet, his first appearance was but the commencement of a work that continues today and will ultimately affect the whole world.   His present intercessory work with individuals is to provide a hope of salvation and to bring joy and glory when he returns to reward his faithful followers.


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The True Sabbath: A Future Day of Rest for All People

The True Sabbath:
A Future Day of Rest for All People.

Examine the significance of the Sabbath Law of Israel and its application to believers today.   Israel were instructed, "Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy (Exodus 20: 12).   The Bible teaches that the ritual observance of the Mosaic Law has been fulfilled in Christ.   However it is a spiritual principle that believers observe a continual rest from carnal ways.  
What of the Kingdom Age? Indications are that it will be re-introduced during the millenial reign of Jesus Christ.


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Reading the Bible For Pleasure and Profit

Reading the Bible For Pleasure and Profit.

Jesus Christ said, "Blessed is he that readeth".   He referred to the Bible.   Paul the Apostle reminds us, " is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." (1Cor.   2: 9).  
So it is that those prepared to closely examine the Bible with the object of learning what Almighty God expects of them, are offered present and future blessings that they cannot fully comprehend...


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This Remarkable Book Called the Bible

This Remarkable Book Called the Bible.

The Bible is truly a unique book.   Some may only consider it a book of fable, others see it as belonging to the Church and largely a mystery.   Others see it as the reliable Word of God.   It was written by forty independent writers, form twenty different occupations, in ten different countries, over fifteen hundred years in three different languages, regarding countless subjects with 2930 characters in 1551 different places. Yet it contains a coherent and defined message from Almighty God to those who choose to read it with understanding...


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A Commonsense View of Religion

A Commonsense View of Religion.

The key figure of the New Testament, is without doubt the Lord Jesus Christ, yet as we read the Old Testament and are confronted with prophecies concerning the Lord, we are compelled by commonsense to believe it.   It abounds with details concerning his first and second coming, his ancestry, time of birth, place of birth, manner of birth, infancy, manhood, teaching, character, career, preaching, reception, rejection, death, burial, resurrection, ascencion into heaven, and his second advent.


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The Decline of Christendom: The Sad Record of Mankind's Refusal to Accept the True Apostolic Teaching of the Bible

The Decline of Christendom:
The Sad Record of Mankind's Refusal to Accept the True Apostolic Teaching of the Bible..

The Christian Church though clearly established on the principles of Truth taught by Jesus Christ, has proved to be a catalogue of tragedy and folly.   The history of the Church shows that not only have the doctrines and teachings of the Master been changed beyond recognition, but the practices that he set clearly before his disciples can no longer be seen represented in a church system that has so sadly degenerated over the centuries.   Today the Church is a long road from the simple New Testament religion based on the divine revelation of the Old Testament.


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Two Cities of Destiny

Two Cities of Destiny.

Commonly called the Eternal City, Rome was founded in 753 BC.   According to legend, Romulus and Remus founded the original city on the Palatine Hill, eventually spreading over six other hills.

Jerusalem was known as Salem in about 2000BC when Melchizedeck as King of Righteousness, met Abraham.   King David later made Jerusalem his capital and Solomon his son, erected his Temple there.   Zedekiah, the last king of Judah was told his kingdom would be overthrown, "until he come whose right it is".   When the angel confronted Mary, she was told, "...   call his name JESUS.   He shall be great, ...   and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; ..."
What are the final destinies of Rome and Jerusalem?


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The Papacy in Prophecy

The Papacy in Prophecy.

The Book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible, was penned by the Apostle John about AD96, setting forth a prophetical outline of "things that must shortly come to pass".   That these things include ecclesiastical affairs and historical developments is clear from the first three chapters which expound trends and proclaim warnings related to the seven churches or Ecclesias of Asia.   This book warns of controversies that would disturb the communities caliming allegiance to Christ; and prophetically foretells the development of a system of ecclesiatical apostasy that would arise.


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The Catholic Church Examined Historically and Biblically

The Catholic Church Examined Historically and Biblically.

The Catholic Church is a large and powerful organisation, comprising over one billion people - nearly a quarter of the world's population.   As the largest body of professing Christians, it has more adherants than all other Christian groups combined.   During its long history it has dominated the minds and lives of men and women and set the bounds for their conscience and behaviour.   Very few have escaped its influence.   Even the activities of kings and emperors have been curtailed by the church, notorious for liaison with political powers and for intrigue.   It claims to be Christian in belief and practice, yet its untold wealth even today, and vast heirarchy provides it with influence so powerful it would astound the belief of early believers.   Now reduced in size to a mere 100 acres, the tiny state known as Vatican City, exerts more power and control than countries many times its size and population ...


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The Godhead Explained: The Doctrine of the Trinity Challenged By The Truth of the Scriptures.

The Godhead Explained:
The Doctrine of the Trinity Challenged By The Truth of the Scriptures.

Christ said, "True worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him." - John 4: 23.   These words are challenging because they declare that God finds pleasure in the worship of those who approach Him "in spirit and in truth".   His words imply that true worshippers are limited to those prepared to search out the truth concerning God, and make it the foundation of their life.


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Devastating Earthquakes: Crisis of the Last Days

Devastating Earthquakes:
Crisis of the Last Days.

The Mount of Olives across the valley from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem has a rift through its middle. It is an Old Testament Prophet, Zechariah, who in chapter 14: 4 speaks of the time when the Lord Jesus will again set foot on the Mount of Olives.   He records how it will split in two, forming a wide elevated plain upon which the Temple of the Age to Come will be built...


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Justification By Faith In God: Not by Papal Indulgences

Justification By Faith In God:
Not by Papal Indulgences.

While the Church has consistently superimposed liturgies and ceremonies on the simple, saving truths of the scriptures, the faith energising principles of Almighty God, taught in the Bible, are superior to any man-devised ritual or observance.   To the scripture then the man of faith must seek.   Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 said, "Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good.".


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Church Dilemma: Woman's Ordination or Apostolic Instruction?

Church Dilemma:
Woman's Ordination or Apostolic Instruction?
A Woman's Role in the Purpose of God.

The dilemma of women's liberation is a Man!   He stands at the head of creation:   a man, compassionate, courageous, a counsellor, without a human peer.   He is the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.   Subject to this man, is his Bride, his true Church (Greek: Ecclesia - the congregation of true believers), formed of men and women, who thankfully, submissively, and wisely, recognise his leadership in the issues of life.   With compassion, this man offered his life for the salvation of his congregation: with courage he stood against all opposition and though crucified, he rose from the dead.   His counsel has stood the test of time, vindicating the Biblical prophecy, yet to be fulfilled: "In his name shall the nations trust", Matthew 12: 21. The dilemma for the Women's Liberation Movement is that all, both men and women, ultimately will be compelled to submit to the authority and leadersip of the Lord Jesus Christ.


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Why Man Is Mortal: The Clear Teaching of the Bible Concerning the Fallen Condition of Mankind and God's Joyous Offer of Immortality

Why Man Is Mortal:
The Clear Teaching of the Bible Concerning the Fallen Condition of Mankind and God's Joyous Offer of Immortality.

The doctrine of the immortality of the soul, is not taught within the pages of the Bible. It is a philosophy which owes its origin to pagan mythology and finds no part in he faith of the ancient Hebrews, nor is it taught by Christ, or his apostles in the New Testament.   Bible hope is in the resurrection: Paul said, "For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins." (1 Cor.   15: 16, 17).   ...


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The Reason For Suffering: Why Almighty God Permits Pain and Anguish

The Reason For Suffering:
Why Almighty God Permits Pain and Anguish.

While the Bible teaches that Almighty God is self existent, all wise, omnipotent and a God of love, yet humanity suffers difficulties, stresses and troubles.   Often individuals face trauma through no fault of their own. This is part of the present sinful constitution under which man has found himself.  

There is however a better future aheaad for those that pause to consider the real causes of sin and suffering.


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Our Sick Society: Fulfils Bible Prophecy - To Be changed by Christ

Our Sick Society:
Fulfils Bible Prophecy.

Today's sick society is to be replaced by Christ's equitable rule: Daniel 2: 44 states clearly, "the God of heaven shall set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.". Zechariah adds (14: 9), "The Lord shall be king over all the earth", and Isaiah continues (2: 3, 4), "Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.   And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."


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The Drama of the Flood: The Day of God's Devastating Judgment Upon a Guilty World, and the Urgent Lessons for Humanity Today

The Drama of the Flood:
The Day of God's Devastating Judgment Upon a Guilty World,
and the Urgent Lessons for Humanity Today.

The Lord Jesus Christ attributed the time of his return to the earth as being similar to the days of Noah (Luke 17: 25).   In so describing the conditions that pertained to that generation, he gave credence to the Bible account of the Flood.   The account of the flood is an important parable of personal salvation and a dramatic warning of what is about to occur on the earth.


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The Sad Story of Sodom and Gomorrah and the Divine Message of Hope and Salvation

The Sad Story of Sodom and Gomorrah
and the Divine Message of Hope and Salvation.

It was the Lord Jesus Christ who used the terrible events which used the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah nearly four thousand years ago, as a warning to today's society concerning violence and moral corruption.   In Luke 17: 26 he stated, "...   as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man."
Almighty God has used this event to warn us, but also to extend hope of salvation to us if we will seek the knowledge and understanding of His Word...


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The Day After Armageddon: An Age of Joy, Peace and Security to Follow the Drama

The Day After Armageddon:
An Age of Joy, Peace and Security to Follow the Drama of Armageddon.

In Zechariah 14: 2,3 Almighty God says, "For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, ...   Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.
This time of judgement is to be followed by a time of peace, equity and justice under the righteous rule of Jesus Christ as set forth in scriptures such as Psalm 72...


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The Real Meaning to Life: Vital Social and Personal Issues that Affect Your Future

The Real Meaning to Life:
Vital Social and Personal Issues that Affect Your Future.

It is doubtless difficult to realise the idea of an uncreate, immortal and all-powerful Creator, yet it is still more difficult to deny Him.   The Universe as now constituted must have had a cause adequate to the present effect.   That cause must have been a force of some kind or it could have produced nothing.   Isaiah, in Isa 45:18 says, "For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else." What is God's purpose with the earth and mankind?


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Understanding The Psalms. A Grand Prophecy of the Work of Jesus Christ in Five Stages

Understanding The Psalms.
A Grand Prophecy of the Work of Jesus Christ in Five Stages.

The real message of the Psalms, is to reveal God's purpose in His Son, Jesus Christ as a pattern for us of the way of salvation that is in him.   There are 150 Psalms, recorded in a special order to set forth the development of God's purpose from creation to the future time when Christ will return as King (Psalm 72).


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The Gospel In Song

The Gospel In Song.

Handel's famous oratorio, "The Messiah" was first presented on 13th april, 1742 in the Music Hall of Dublin. Since that time it has become well known thoughout the Christian world and is usually presented as a complement to the religious festivities of Easter or Christmas.   But, by understanding its message, this enjoyable and exciting musical can be of far greater value.   The message Handel presented is from the Bible and is an important message for anyone prepared to examine it more closely.   It touches upon the practical issues of life and the hope of the Gospel as presented by the Bible.


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The Devil and Satan Defined

The Devil and Satan Defined.

The word "Devil" means, "false accuser, calumniator or slanderer".   The devil of the Bible is not a superhuman monster that tempts mankind to sin.   It is rather, a synonym for human nature in its various forms. 1 John 3: 8 states, "for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil".   Simply, he was the son of man so that he could overcome that nature.

Satan is a Hebrew word signifying "to oppose", or "to be an adversary" and in scripture is used of both good and evil adversaries...


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AntiChrist and the Battle of Armageddon

AntiChrist and the Battle of Armageddon.

Popular teaching holds that Antichrist will arise to conquer Jerusalem, claim the rulership of the world, and plunge humanity into a period of war, bloodshed and evil, unparalleled in human history.   But scripture shows it is the Lord Jesus who, "shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go" (Acts 1: 11), and Acts 3: 19 states, "He shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you; whom the heavens must receive until the restitution of all things".   This is spoken of in Revelation 11: 15, "...   saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever."


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The Environmental Crisis: Its Cause and Cure - a Message to Humanity

The Environmental Crisis:
Its Cause and Cure - a Message to Humanity.

Is Doomsday our destiny? Does Almighty God care about our environment? Does He have a plan for the earth that will offset the massive effects of man's polluting ways with the earth?

If we consider the beauty and complexity of creation about us we have to wonder at the diversity and yet the incredible relationship which exists in the natural world that brings mutual benefit to all its parts. Can the destruction of our environment be permitted to continue? What is the Bible answer?


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Creation Or Chance: God's Purpose With Mankind Proved By The Wonder of the Universe

Creation Or Chance:
God's Purpose With Mankind Proved By The Wonder of the Universe.

Evidence abounds to prove that God does exist (Numbers 14: 21 satates, "But as truly I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD.") and that He controls the marvels of the Univesre in which we live.   Did the limitless heavens, this vast globe we call "earth", and the amazing diversities of life upon it come about by blind chance or caprice? Are the complexities of life a mere whim of fate, or is there wise purpose and careful design behind existence?


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Celebrating Christmas: The True Story

Celebrating Christmas: The True Story.

The Christian Feast of Christmas, causes nearly the whole world to come to a standstill each year on 25th December. Children are encouraged to believe in the generosity of Santa Claus and his path around the earth on that evening to visit every household is even plotted by the media.   The celebrations we are told are because that is when the Lord Jesus Christ was born.
What are the true facts concerning Christmas?...


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The Story of Easter: Foolish Fables or Bible Truth?

The Story of Easter: Foolish Fables or Bible Truth?

The drama of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ unfolded nearly 2000 years ago in the city of Jerusalem at the Jewish Passover time.   The Passover was a Jewish festival memorializing the deliverance of Israel from Egyptian bondage in the days of Moses.   Almighty God commanded the Israelites to sacrifice a lamb without spot or blemish and to paint its blood on the lintels and doorposts of their homes to ensure the "pass-over" of the angel of death (the word Pass-over actually means to "hover over" as a sign of divine protection).   Any home not covered by the sacrificial blood of the lamb suffered the death of their first-born child.   The Paschal lamb is a type of the sacrifice of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.   Because of his sacrifice we have an advocate with the Father, through whom we may receive forgiveness of sins.   Far from this, the celebration of Easter is a curious blend of paganism, humanism, Judaism and Christianity.
What are the true facts concerning Easter?...


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The Purpose of the Holy Spirit and its Gifts

The Purpose of the Holy Spirit and its Gifts.

A concise explanation of the Power of God to Salvation, contrasting with modern Pentecostal claims to possession of Holy Spirit power.   In the Lord's prayer for his disciples recorded in John 17, he said, "I pray for them ...   I have given them Thy Word ...   keep them from evil ...   sanctify them through Thy Truth".   When the Spirit gifts were poured upon the disciples at Pentecost, it was for a limited time. It was to be the Word of God that was to be the continuing guidance for the disciples down to our day and age.


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Speaking In Tongues as Taught in the Bible

Speaking In Tongues as Taught in the Bible.

The Spirit Gifts were given for a specific purpose and for a specific time.   When that purpose was accompished, we had in our hands the Word of God and they were no longer required.   Yet today many claim to have had an experience and regardless of belief, they now have the holy spirit and can perform healing miracles or speak in tongues.  
What is the true Bible position on these issues...


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The Truth About Lucifer: The Devil Not a Fallen Angel!

The Truth About Lucifer: The Devil Not a Fallen Angel!

Is the Devil a super-human person who fell from grace in heaven and was ejected to the earth, to afflict you and I? Does he have fearsome characteristics, hoofs, barbed tail and a pitchfork, to prod us in hell-fire and torment after we die?

Is this what the Bible really teaches or is it the product of pagan myth borrowed by a spiritually bankrupt church? You owe it to yourself to understand these issues ...


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What is Truth:
The Claims of the Jehovah's Witnesses Compared With The Bible.

What is Truth:
The Claims of the Jehovah's Witnesses Compared With The Bible.

Pilate, the Governor of Judea in the days of the Lord Jesus Christ's first advent, asked the question of the Lord, "What is truth?" He saw before him a man delivered to be crucified, who boldly declared: "... I am a king. To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth" (John 18: 37). But his life, death and resurrection are just as gravely misunderstood by religious people today, as by the Jews and Herod of his days. There are many different and varied teachings concerning the Gospel message - yet only one can be right. The Apostle Paul declared to the Galatian believers: "I marvel that ye are so soon removed ... unto another gospel: which is not another: but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the Gospel of Christ" (Galatians 1: 6, 7).

For this reason we feel compelled to reveal the real facts concerning some religious teachings and ask the reader to carefully peruse the arguments as presented. In doing so, we desire to establish what really is the saving "Truth" that leads to salvation.


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